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Gospel teaching


Worship time

Teaching the Childrens
At each meeting we have a time especially dedicated to children.

Our missionaries hold weekly meetings, open to adults, youth and children, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Working in the handicraft

In painting process

Each creation is a unique piece

Working in the handicraft
One of our young missionaries, has been teaching various handicrafts to women from the communities, and most people familiar with this activity, also help support the mission buying the beautiful handicrafts. Through their creative effort, these women help support their families.
Home visitation

Neighborhood homes
Source Jean Jacques Community, Aquin

Neighborhood homes
Source Jean Jacques Community, Aquin

Neighborhood homes
Source Jean Jacques Community, Aquin
Every week the missionaries take turns visiting families, seeing their needs firsthand, and also bringing to them vision and hope with the words and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Visits to the ill

Missionaries visiting homes
In the community paths

Missionaries visiting homes
In the community paths

Missionaries visiting homes
Jedilia has been very ill these months, we are going to her house every day.

Missionaries visiting homes
In the community paths
Every day, two of our missionaries visit the sick, sharing the love and message of Christ, as well as providing food and water where needed, ministering to both soul and body.
Spanish classes

Learning spanish

Learning spanish

Learning spanish

Learning spanish
Once a week, some of the missionaries hold spanish language sessions, a request made by haitians interested in learning, some of which come not only from the surrounding communities, but also from the city of Aquin.
Health outreaches

Health outreaches

Health outreaches

Health outreaches

Health outreaches
Our mission has lodged medical doctors teaming in health clinic outreaches to benefit freely people in need in our surrounding communities. Under the auspicies of the USA ministry named WATER FOR LIFE, they have served close to 1000 haitians..
Prevention of blindness, eye cataract interventions

Mobile Clinic in Source Jean Jacques

Mobile Clinic in Source Jean Jacques
This year 2016, WATER FOR LIFE ministries has requested the CASA DEL SEÑOR mission to partner with them in Eye cataract interventions, under an agreement subscribed with the haitian Ophthalmologic Clinic "Petit Goave", so specialists can operate the very poor in such a need..
Health outreaches
Prevention of blindness
House visitation
a Casas
Visits to the ill
a Enfermos
Spanish classes
de Español
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